• Billing via the compulsory health insurance (according to tax points) is only possible with a doctor’s order.
  • Make an appointment by phone if you are coming to us on behalf of an external client.
  • For each order/visit, a one-time processing fee of CHF 27 and the cost of blood sampling of CHF 8 are added.
  • Overlapping analyses/charges from different blocks are taken in to account priced and will not be charged twice.
  • We only perform walk-in blood draws (without a physician’s order) on children 12 years of age or older.
  • For blood sugar (glucose) and fat values (cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL), please come fasting, i.e. do not eat any solid or liquid food for 10-12 hours before the blood sample is taken. Drinking water is allowed, no sweet drinks.
  • The cortisol level is ideally measured in the morning between 7–10 am or in the evening between 4–7 pm.
  • For the safer sex urine tests, we need the first stream of urine from the first morning. Bring the urine with you in a clean container on the same day or dissolve the urine directly on site. You can also conveniently order a home test kit, further information at www.laboranalysen.ch.
  • Covid PCR Saliva Test: 1 hour prior to saliva collection DO NOT eat or drink, DO NOT smoke, chew gum, brush teeth or rinse mouth.
  • For safer sex testing, as well as blood typing and Corona PCR testing, please bring identification for identity verification. Valid are ID/passport and driver’s license.
  • The Walk-in Laboratory does not perform anonymous lab tests.